benefits of pineapple before bed

benefits of pineapple before bed Who said it was an enemy pineapple woman ? Although too much should not be consumed during pregnancy and in young , tropical fruit this one was rich in nutrition and healthy you know.

Pineapple supplemented with vitamin A , vitamin C , calcium , phosphorus , and potassium . Pineapple is also rich in fiber so good for the diet and help reduce cholesterol in the body .

There are several advantages that you can pick when eating pineapple , as follows :

Preventing cough and fever due to flu

Because vitamin C is high enough , pineapple able to help fight the virus that causes the flu . Even if you 're suffering from the flu , quite effectively utilize the pineapple as a natural remedy . Bromelain in pineapple help launch cough phlegm so quickly cured .

strengthen bones

Pineapple is also one of the popular fruit to help strengthen bones . Manganese content in it is required in order to form a more dense bone structure . You can earn 73 % of the manganese in pineapple consume in a day .

healthy gums

Want to get healthy gums better pineapple consumption only. The content of vitamin C is friendly to the gums and provide the best treatment so that your teeth and gums remain strong .

facilitate digestion

Bromelain in pineapple fruit it also helps facilitate digestion and urination . Bromelain was actually a protein , so it is quite effective and healthy for consumption .

Nothing wrong with pineapple paste in your daily menu . By enriching food intake , you will help maintain the health and beauty naturally .

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